7 Examples of Great Cleaning Services Blogs
- October 28, 2019
- By: Vonigo
If you want to take your cleaning business to the next level, here’s a marketing idea you may not have considered: cleaning services blogs. We’ll take a look at seven great examples of cleaning companies that are publishing great blog posts and winning business in their areas.
Less active and popular than in their heyday of the early Aughties, blogs are still an excellent source of information that is up-to-date and often features authentically unfiltered voices and original takes.
Great cleaning services blogs highlight how proud companies are of their work and how they connect with their community. They may include tips and tricks about cleaning, details about their process or products, or any number of other informative or even fun topics.
Blogging is Good for SEO
Perhaps most importantly of all, most of the companies on this list are also aware that blogs can make their websites much more attractive to search engines. When a website contains a lot of relevant content related to a search term, e.g. “cleaning company in [city],” it is more likely to win a spot on page one for that search term.
Looking for ideas for blog content? Read our post about blog ideas for cleaning businesses.
7 Examples of Great Cleaning Services Blogs
A quick Google search for “cleaning services blogs” returns no fewer than 277,000,000 results. With that quantity of blogs, there are a solid number of quality blogs. Blogs you can learn from, blogs you can interact with (through comments, social media, blog challenges, and the like).
The sites on this list are examples of cleaning companies that do a great job of keeping their blogs up to date with valuable info.

1. Men In Kilts
Men In Kilts is one of those brands that is immediately recognizable. Their trademark outfits tend to attract a lot of attention. Many of the posts on their blog are about the many, many press mentions they receive. They also do a good job of offering tips and information too.
One example of that is this post with five reasons why cleaning your home’s exterior is necessary. It’s packed with good info, and it also presents booking with them as a fix.
2. Boston’s Best Chimney

Boston’s Best is a specialty cleaning company, servicing only chimneys.
The Boston’s Best blog concentrates on giving consumer-level tips on safety, repairs, and fireplace use. This post on how to choose the best firewood is a great example. The author gives readers some advice they can use immediately. The soft sell in the final paragraph works well because readers learned something from the rest of the post.

3. ServiceMaster Restore TriCities
ServiceMaster Restore’s blog reflects their focus on emergency services and safety. A post on winter safety kit essentials is a great example. This bullet-point list is straight to the point and instantly actionable.
Once again, the final line is the soft pitch. By the time a potential customer gets to that line, they’re already grateful for what they’ve gotten from the company. Giving this information is a service that a company offers for free, as a marketing tool.

4. Diamond Clean
Diamond Clean takes advantage of the hyperlocal nature of cleaning businesses and offers tips specifically targeted to its area customers. 8 Expensive Mistakes Homeowners Make in the Fall is a terrific example.
For much of Canada, preparations for winter need to be completed in September, but that’s not the case in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, and this list reflects that. It’s also not overwhelming, with only eight items. It may not be of interest to someone in Yellowknife or Juneau, who’s been socked in and dealing with snow for a month already, but then, Diamond Clean isn’t looking for customers in the far north. It can afford the luxury of being neighborly and specific.

5. Elite Window Cleaning
Elite Window Cleaning’s latest blog post is a great example of using a blog to let your potential customers know where they can find you. Presenting at a home show? Had a great time at a conference? Make a post about it.
It’s more effective at reaching consumers than a press release because it doesn’t depend on someone in the media agreeing to pass it along.

6. Home Beautiful Solutions
Home Beautiful Solutions is a specialized organization and junk hauling company that even handles hoarding situations. As such, the crew there is used to situations that non-industry people find paralyzingly stressful.
Their recent blog post on how to dispose of oversized items is a problem-solver, problem-preventer for many people who will be very grateful for the information and remember where they read it.

7. Mopify
Mopify is a Toronto, Canada company with a keen sense of what its customers need to know right now. A blog post on whether or not to rent out your place on Airbnb is a great example of being current and helpful to their customer base and taking advantage of a newsworthy theme. A cleaning company has an informed and unique perspective on this intensely topical question.
Start the Next Best Cleaning Service Blog
Blogs are still a valuable and affordable way to make and nurture connections with your potential client base and communities. Each of the blogs above has a slightly different approach, but each of them is succeeding because, not in spite of, these differences.
Want more marketing tips for cleaning companies? Read these email marketing tips for cleaning companies, or 8 ways to get more customers for your cleaning business.
Want to learn about how cleaning business software can help you manage and grow your company? Book a free, private demo of Vonigo.