Smart homes are hip and happening. We are at the forefront of a home automation revolution. Here, in this infographic, are all the important details you need to know about smart homes — in a 3-minute read.
Security Is One Of The Top Benefits
62% of Americans with smart homes regard security as the top benefit of owning a smart home. 3 out of every 5 Americans, with smart homes, have smart security products with which to monitor their homes via their smartphones. It is estimated that the security market will grow beyond $100 billion by the year 2020.
It Saves Time
57% of American smart homeowners claim they save 30 minutes per day. Add that up over a year and they save about a week.
It Saves Money
45% of Americans with smart products save on average a monthly total of $98.30. That adds up to a yearly savings of $1179.60. Products like smart thermostats help this cause. It can save you around 20% off your yearly heating and cooling costs.
America Is The Leading User
The US is the top-ranked country in user count and spending. 32% of Americans use smart home products. Americans have spent an average of $19,827 on smart home products in 2018.
Samsung Leads The Revenue Charts
76% of smart home products are controlled smartphones. Samsung is one of the few companies which manufactures both smartphones and smart home devices. They have used this synergy to create revenue of $213 billion in over 104 countries.